MicroSetNCure & Startup Benefit - MicroGlass LLC

Industry Leading Pool Finish Protection

Here’s a real world example of how MicroSetNCure helped protect this new interior finish during a less than ideal startup.

This story from last week is a great example of why pool pros are adopting MicroSetNCure for their plaster, quartz and pebble mixes.

MicroSetNCure (a liquid admix added at the time of batching) acts as a trowel and pump aid, but also helps defend the soft calcium within the cement matrix of interior finishes.

Why is that important? MicroSetNCure treated finishes have less plaster dust and make startups more efficient and cost effective. 

While doing a proper startup is still absolutely critical (for bather safety, preventing future buildup and long term health of the finish, and minimizing damage to pumps, heaters and other equipment etc.), this is a great example of how MicroSetNCure protected this pool in a less than ideal startup scenario. 

You know the drill. You plaster a great looking pool and start filling. And sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, something goes less than ideal. Accidents happen. Someone forgets to check the fill water readings and adds too much or too little chemicals. A new pool falls through the cracks and doesn’t make it on the schedule and/or there’s uncertainty about who is responsible for the startup. And when this happens… so does the blame game between applicators,  builders, start-up service companies and pool owners. 

But in this scenario last week in the Southeast, MicroSetNCure was added to the mix of this black mini pebble job. Sure — we love how MicroSetNCure helped to better homogenize the beautiful black pigment in the mix.

But we also love the protection during startup. Check out the chemical readings below taken after 7 DAYS without a complete startup. Spoiler alert >> pH 8.7 // CH 39 // TDS 300. 

  • That’s 1 week without a startup.

  • No white dusting or buildup on the surface.

  • Calcium levels are still rock bottom, meaning the low-calcium water is not “stealing” calcium from the finish.

  • Aside from water clarity issues (which is to be expected without complete startup chemicals), the finish looks great — even with a high pH!


  • Do a proper startup in a reasonable timeline:

    • This story is 100% not intended to justify skipping or delaying your start-up. We’re just providing a real-world example of the protective benefits of our product line– and what should have been a hazed pool.

  • Some advice on startups:

    • MicroGlass LLC recommends you follow industry best practices on startups.  And yes, you can still scale a MicroSetNCure or MicroGlass treated finish if you are over-saturated on the saturation index. 

    • We personally love how Orenda® advises on getting your pool water under control.

    • Use SC-1000 or another agent to get your metals and scale in check.

    • If you have low calcium fill water (like in this example), we recommend getting that level up to reduce damage to your pool equipment and give the water the calcium it’s looking for. Eventually it would try to snag it from wherever it can get it.

    • If you have high calcium fill water — get it under control so you reduce surface scale and damage to your equipment.

    • Here’s a great resource by Orenda® on LSI management.

Pool Details

Residential Pool in Southeast USA
Finish type:
Mini Pebble Black Pigment
MiroSetNCure Admix: Yes
MicroSetNCure Ratio:25oz. MicroSetNCure per 94 lb. cement.
Mixed & Shot: 9/9/24
Exposure: 9/10/24
Filled by hose:
9/10/24 – 9/13/24 (at latest)
Chemistry Readings:
1 week after fill (Photo below)

"Stopped by the pool. The owner says no one has been by to do the startup. They said someone kicked on the equipment, but they didn't add any chems. And the calcium hardness is still only 39 and the walls look good. No dust or haze. Sure the clarity isn’t there yet, but the fact I’m not seeing calcium bleed? This is crazy. And there's no brush in sight... the homeowner admitted they're not brushing it".