Five Star Resort - MicroGlass LLC

Industry Leading Pool Finish Protection

microglass prolong: for existing finishes

Luxury 5 Star Resort PROTECTION

pool age

Existing finish


Palm Beach, FL

finish type

White finish with pebble aggregate

MicroGlass Applicator & Reseller

Palmer Marble & Tile in West Palm Beach FL
Pool Builder and Renovation Company

project overview

MicroGlass was applied in 2020 to protect the finishes of 3 existing Pools at this Luxury 5 Star Resort in Palm Beach, FL. Before applying MicroGlass the existing finish was cleaned and serviced. The exposed aggregate finishes were badly stained and contained loose rock due to wear and chemical damage. There was also presence of several dark gray rings on the surface (most likely signs of hydration issues), along with calcium nodules.


Photo taken during pre-MicroGlass chemical treatment and hydration stain mitigation work.
Calcium nodule prior to removal and MicroGlass application.

after microglass application

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see the results

The MicroGlass Solution

For a fraction of the cost of the replaster, MicroGlass was applied after the pools were drained, repaired, and cleaned.

Long Term Benefits

MicroGlass reinvigorated the cement-paste of the finish by infusing it with a type of glass-like silicate. Strengthening the cement matrix that holds the pebble in place also reduces future rock loss and makes future stains and scale easier to clean! As an added benefit, this finish is now better protected against the high chemical content common in commercial waters. Elbow grease and expertise made this finish look great. And MicroGlass will help the finish maintain its appearance– helping the water stay looking crystal clear!


Works great both on Residential and Commercial Pools.